Monday, May 2, 2016, to coincide with national education day, the group from the UNY Postgraduate Program led by the Head of the Geography Education Master's Program, Dr. Muhsinatun Siasah Masruri, M.Pd along with 3 students went to UPT BIKK LIPI Karangsambung. The Geography Education Masters Study Program and the UNY Postgraduate Cooperation Section seek to collaborate with UPT BIKK LIPI Karangsambung which aims to improve UNY's external relations, especially with UNY Postgraduates. The Geography Education Master's Program has Physical Geography courses which require physical field studies. With this collaboration, students can easily carry out research. Karangsambung was chosen as a field study because it has various physical forms with rock outcrops. Karangsambung is formed from the ocean floor and the continental margin layer is the oldest area on the island of Java. Specifically, the Karangsambung BIKK is tasked with providing services and information, carrying out conservation, development, and utilization of areas containing geological phenomena of scientific value as well as developing research results in the field of geotechnology. The Geography Education Master's Program has only been running for two generations. The first batch also conducted excursion studies to Karangsambung last year. The presence of our group at UPT BIKK LIPI Karangsambung was welcomed by the head of UPT BIKK LIPI Karangsambung, Edi Hidayat, S.T, M.T, Development and Conservation Section, Defry Hastria S.T., and Sub Administration, Suyamto. The signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PK) was carried out between PPs UNY and the head of UPT BIKK LIPI Karangsambung. After the signing of the cooperation was completed, the next event was the handover of the cooperation letter between the head of the UPT BIKK LIPI Karangsambung Edi Hidayat, S.T, M.T with the Head of the Geography Education Masters Study Program, Dr. Muhsinatun Siasah Masruri, M. Pd. (Usaji Maulana)